My revision process has become more concrete over the course of the semester. In my first drafts of my food essay for project 2, I really did not have a strong thesis. I was still unsure what to make of the different pieces I was working with and my first thesis showed how little I understood of the two pieces. I was unsure where my opinion fit into all of this, and that was the biggest problem I had writing this piece. Once I understood where I stood on the topic, and how my perspective made me view the other side I was able to reevaluate my essay to better fit my argument. This allowed me to organize my ideas in and separate paragraphs in a way that better broke up my essay. I also took the advice of my peer review to make sure I was connecting each of my points back to my thesis statement. I think this revision was the most helpful to me because I had never really considered going back to my thesis for each point and it allowed my piece to flow together that much better. These were all big steps I was taking to make global changes during my revision process. After being used to making small local changes I found that this new revision process I had adapted to allowed me to improve my writing a lot more than I thought. It was also helpful to identify tactics that I was very well at using in my writing from areas that needed to be worked on.