In my piece on eating and the environment, I used my quotes to compare and contrast different ideas from two different viewpoints throughout the essay. I was looking at different suggestions from opposing sides to solve a global issue, and argued that alone they would not work, but together could be successful. My tactic of comparing and contrasting quotes was very efficient in getting my point across. On example of this is when is in paragraph 5 of my final draft, when speaking about ideas presented by the ‘prophets’. I took my quotes and introduced an idea that could be useful for combatting the issue at hand. I introduced this one first to give credit towards the side that had this belief. I had provided positive and negative effects of the opposing side prior to this quote, so in order to keep my credibility as a writer and decrease the bias of my argument, I introduced a quote that showed the problems with the suggested solutions from a somewhat neutral source. Using this style to frame my quotes allowed me to show the good and the bad parts of each sides suggestions. This later allowed me to bring together the positives from each side to show that when these two opponents work together, a viable solution can be created.